

High altitude, low humidity, recirculated air, and increased UV exposure can be a recipe for complexion chaos, but we’re here to take your plane skincare routine to new heights. 

Picture the scene: you’ve just about squeezed everything into your suitcase, you’ve finally tracked down your passport, and you’ve carefully picked out your airport outfit – it must be holiday time! But there’s still one thing to tick off your travel checklist…flight-proof skincare.

Whether you’re heading on a short-haul break or a far-flung getaway, air travel can wreak havoc on our complexions. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We’re here to answer all your questions and share our top tips, keeping your skin feeling radiant and resilient, wherever you go.

Why does flying give me dry skin?

Whether you fly first-class, business, or economy, conditions onboard planes aren’t optimal for anyone’s skin health. While you’re soaring high through the skies, the humidity level in cabins is significantly lower than on the ground (usually less than 20% compared to an average annual humidity of 73% in the UK). What does this mean for our complexions, we hear you say? Well, moisture is drawn out from the top layers of our skin, creating that uncomfortable tight feeling we’re all too familiar with. 

Why do I always break out?

We’ve already established that cabin air dehydrates our complexion, but did you know that the lack of moisture can give us oily skin too? Yep, water loss can kick our oil glands into overdrive, causing them to overproduce sebum in an attempt to restore balance. However, too much of this waxy substance can clog pores and trigger breakouts.

Not only is the air on planes really dry, but it’s also recirculated and often brimming with germs. And where there are bacteria, there’s an even greater risk of blemishes. Throw in a lack of sleep and unhealthy aeroplane snacks, and you’ve got the perfect storm for angry skin.

Should I wear SPF?

We all know SPF is a daily essential, but it’s even more important when you’re flying. The average commercial flight reaches an altitude of 30,000 miles, and studies have shown that UV radiation levels at this height are double those at ground level.

As dermatologist Dr Dennis Gross explains, “most plane windows will block UVB rays, but the UVA rays penetrate the glass.” So, it’s vital to keep yourself protected. Generously apply a facial SPF, such as Sun Day, as the last step in your skincare routine. Pop it in your hand luggage, and reapply on the plane every two hours to keep your skin shielded.

Can I wear makeup?

We all love a good travel selfie, but let’s make it a bare-faced one. Yep, we recommend removing all makeup for the flight and embracing the au naturale aesthetic. You’re already putting your skin through a lot when you fly, so taking makeup out of the mix will help your complexion to maintain more of a balance.

If going without makeup simply isn’t an option, our freshly-made cosmetics range – harnessing powerful botanicals and the latest in green beauty innovation – offers a more lightweight option. Take our Beauty Booster Sheer Foundation, for instance. Delivering SPF protection, hydration, and light coverage all rolled into one, it’s a multitasking makeup hero.

What should I eat and drink?

We don’t want to be party poopers (it is your holiday after all), but for your skin to be in the best condition, you need to nourish it from the inside out. Our advice? Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – and preferably not at the airport bar!

Drinking lots of water before and during your flight and avoiding diuretic drinks like alcohol, tea, and coffee, will help to keep your skin hydrated. You might also want to swap salty treats for healthy snacks, as these can also play havoc with your complexion’s moisture levels. 

What should I do before my flight? 

You don’t need to embark on a whole new skincare regime before taking off, just stick to your normal routine, but with an added emphasis on hydration. After cleansing, reach for an intensive hydrating mask like Comfort Food. With a juicy blend of antioxidant-rich berries, revitalising resurrection flower extract, and calming allantoin and bisabolol, this mask is like a huge glug of water for your skin, making it bouncier and more resilient with every sip. In fact, it’s clinically tested and shown to increase skin hydration by 175% in just two hours! 

A hydration serum – like Rainforest Dew – is an everyday essential, but when it comes to preparing your skin for flight, it’s non-negotiable. Providing all your skin’s moisture needs in one lightweight, organic formulation, it promises happy, hydrated skin wherever you are. 

What should I do after landing?

Once the wheels have touched the ground, you’ve been reunited with your luggage, and you’ve had a quick nosey around your accommodation, it’s time to wash the day’s travels off your face.

This is where our old friend, the double cleanse, comes in. Whether you opt for Smoothing Cleanser, Clear Skies, or Clear Slate, each of our cleansers has been carefully formulated to remove excess sebum, germs and impurities, unclogging pores and preventing blemishes. Cleanse twice to leave your skin feeling squeaky clean, and follow with a hydrating serum and moisturiser (like Skin Feast) to nurse your microbiome back to full health. Oh, and don’t forget to re-apply your Sun Day SPF Facial UV Defence

Take travel sizes 

We love our travel-friendly Skincare Discovery Kits not just because they put the luggage weight limit within reach (no excess charges here, thank you), but because they keep your favourite skincare products as fresh and effective as possible, too. 

Did you know that when you decant a full-sized formula into a travel container, you’re exposing it to oxygen and sunlight, which can make it less effective? Plus, every time you dip into them with your fingers, you’re at risk of spreading bacteria and reducing the shelf life. With our mini marvels, you can leave these worries at home (and they’re oh-so-cute too!)


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